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 Curriculum Vitae

 Elizabeth Gomba Motyka, MD, FACOG


Postgraduate - Residency training: Department of OB/GYN, UNC Hospitals, Chapel Hill, NC.  1990-1994

Doctor of Medicine, Summa Cum Laude, May 1990, University of Virginia School of Medicine. GPA 3.81.  08/1986-05/1990.

Bachelor of Arts in Biology, Summa Cum Laude, May 1986, University of Richmond. GPA 3.96.  08/1982-05/1986.


For Women, PA- President 6/2003-present

Adjunct Associate Professor, UNC School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology 8/2003-present

Associate Professor, UNC School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology,

Wake Area Health Education Center, Wake Medical Center, Raleigh, NC. 07/1994-08/2003

Chief Administrative Resident, UNC School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC.07/1993-06/1994

Resident, Obstetrics and Gynecology, UNC School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC 07/1990-06/1994

 Certification and Licensure

National Board of Medical Examiners, 1993

State of North Carolina Medical License 94-00307, March 1994

Diplomate American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology 940086, November 1996

Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists September 1997

Certification in Critical Care Obstetrics November 1997

Professional Societies

Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics 1995-present

American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1992-present

American Uro-Gynecology Society 1997, Alpha Omega Alpha 1989, Phi Beta Kappa 1986

 Administrative Activities

Third Year Clerkship director for third year students Wake AHEC 1995-2002

Director of Resident Education Wake AHEC 1995-1998

Codirector of the patient education program 1994-present

Member of Wake Med Department of Ob/Gyn Quality Assurance Committee 1996-1998

Developer of the patient intake questionnaire and provider forms for clinic and triage patient care

In charge of call schedules and daily schedule-1998-2002

 Teaching Responsibilities- teaching portfolio available

Continuing Education Lectures

Menopause What’s Hot?–NC/SC State Osteopathic Meeting 8/04

Menopause Post WHI?–Greensboro Family Medicine Residency Teaching Seminar 6/04

Menopause and Bioidentical Hormones –Grand Rounds UNC Family Medicine 4/04

Menopause focus on CAM- CAM Conference UNC 2/04

Alternatives to Hormone Therapy Seminar/ UNC Hospitals 12/03

Women’s Health Update /Triangle Dental Group Meeting 11/03

The 10th In-Home Breast Feeding Support Program- Breast feeding Infections 5/ 2003

The Fourth UNC Conference on Integrating CAM into Clinical Practice

Menopause What’s Hot? 3/2003

Finding Common Ground:Integrating CAM and Perinatal Medicine/ Duke Fall 01

UNC Dept of Family Medicine Grand Rounds-Menopause - Complementary and Alternative Medicine for the Menopause August 20,2001

UNC Dept of OG/Gyn Grand Rounds-Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Women’s Health Sept 20, 2000

WMC Nurses Continuing Education Seminar-Preterm Labor 1994, Operative Vaginal Delivery and Infections in Pregnancy 1996, Critical Care Obstetrics 1998

Projects and Grants 

Integrating CAM into Health-Professions Education in North Carolina. Principle Investigator: Peter Curtis, M.D. Women’s Health and Residency Education Co-investigator-5% time. Funding Level $1,619,029 million/5years from NIH

Teaching Interpersonal skills to Residents and Medical students submitted to APGO 1997, 1998, 2000 seminar and curriculum evaluation on-going topics include Mindfulness, Compassion, Holistic Birth and others

Clinical Interests- the menopause, urinary incontinence, integrative medicine

 Research, Publications, & Presentations

Monahan, E. “ Medical Clearance for Gynecologic Surgery”, The Obstetrical and Gynecologic Survey, 53 (2) 117-126, Feb 1998.

Wilkinson, J., Monahan, E. and Steege, J., “Transvaginal UltrasonographicUNC Dept of Family Medicine Grand Rounds-Menopause -What’s Hot?. Complementary and Alternative Medicine for the Menopause August 20,2001 Assessment of Pelvic Fluid” Presented at North Carolina Ob/Gyn Society, May 1996

Monahan, E. Principal Investigator in study by Ethical Pharmaceuticals :  “A Clinical Evaluation of the Effects of Estradiol TD and Ethicombi TD, Used Sequentially, on Estradiol-Induced Endometrial Hyperplasia.”

Rogers, R. and Monahan, E. “Postoperative Hemorrhage due to Avulsion of Perihepatic Adhesions after Pneumoperitoneum”  The Journal of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists, 3(4), 8/1996.

Monahan, E. Katz, V., and Cox, R. “Amnioinfusion for preventing Puerperal Infection.  A prospective study.”  Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 40(10): 721-3. 1995, 631-633.

Gomba, E.A. and Wolcott, W.S., A Computerized Information Retrieval System for Small Biological Collections. Virginia Journal of Science 37 (1986) 3, 166-177.

 Awards and Distinctions

William Droegemueller-Watson A. Bowes Faculty Teaching Award, 1996

American College of Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Focus on Patient Education Award, 1996

Winn Merit Scholarship - for academic achievement, 1989

Reems Award - for outstanding biology major, 1986

Chapman Rohaly Grant in Aid - for premed varsity athlete, 1985

University of Richmond candidate for Rhodes Scholar, 1985

Mortar Board-University scholarship and leadership society, 1986

Monday - Thursday             9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

                                                1:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Friday                                     9:00 AM - 12:30 PM

                                                1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Saturday                                 Closed
Sunday                                    Closed

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